01 901 1330 info@atsecure.ie

A.T Secure Fire Alarms

A.T SECURE Fire Alarm System are installed and maintained to the Irish Standard I.S 3218: 1013 + A1:2019.

A.T SECURE can offer a complete and cost-effective solution for all your fire alarm needs.

From design, supply, Installation, commisioning, certification, and servicing. With an in-depth knowledge of fire alarm systems, A.T Secure can assist you every step of the way.

Fire Service Provider

A.T Secure Services

A.T Secure Alarm BellBox

Wired & Wireless Alarms

AT Secure Monitoring Service

Monitored Alarms

A.T Secure cctv

CCTV Systems

Smart Doorbell Camera

Smart Doorbells

Access Panel

Access Control

A.T Secure Company Van

Alarm Repairs/Maintenance

Professional Service

Stay safe

Call us today

083 024 9532
